Key uses of GPS trackers and benefits for businesses

The Global Positioning System (GPS) was initially developed for military purposes, but today it has various applications in commercial and residential settings. The technology can pinpoint the location of objects and people with the help of satellite signals. So, with GPS trackers, one can keep track of their loved ones and belongings, get to different places, and navigate unknown places. This real-time tracking is also useful for businesses trying to supervise and improve their logistics.

Key applications of GPS trackers

Automobile navigation
Today, almost all automobiles rely on satellite-based navigation systems to pinpoint the exact location of the vehicle. Here, the navigation system in the automobile communicates with the satellites through microwaves to trace its location on a local map. Then, as the vehicle moves, its location is monitored and displayed in association with landmarks like gas stations, restaurants, and hotels nearby. Additionally, based on this data, the system can come up with routes to different destinations.

Personal use and fitness tracking
Wearable devices like smartwatches are also equipped with GPS tracking technology, acting as an extension of smartphones to help users easily navigate places. When worn, the devices can also track movement-related data, such as speed and distance traveled while hiking, biking, or walking. This helps users track their physical activity and either maintain or improve their fitness routine based on the data. Additionally, the devices can help users determine their exact location, which comes in handy when stuck on unfamiliar terrain.

Emergency services
In the healthcare sector, GPS tracking plays a key role in managing emergency response services. With GPS devices installed in each emergency vehicle, healthcare centers can learn the whereabouts of all their personnel, including drivers. Subsequently, job information can be dispatched to direct the emergency workers to places where they are needed. In this way, GPS tracking helps ensure the timely dispatch of emergency personnel to bring patients to safety as soon as possible.

The agriculture sector also relies on GPS tracking to monitor produce and vehicles and perform various tasks to improve crop production. For instance, GPS tracking can be used to map fields, which allows farmers to plant crops in a way that guarantees maximum yield. Additionally, trackers can pinpoint pest and weed infestations in fields to help farmers figure out problematic areas and avoid them. Finally, farmers can also track tractors and other equipment with the help of GPS-based devices.

Transport and distribution
GPS tracking technology has been leveraged by many major transport and distribution companies. It has helped them optimize supply chain logistics. Additionally, GPS technology has helped these companies monitor their fleet of delivery trucks.

Benefits of GPS tracking for businesses

Track driver performance
Businesses that own fleets of vehicles usually have to spend a lot of money on fuel. Often, the fuel costs can get excessive due to certain inefficiencies. For instance, drivers who opt for high speeds, crossing the recommended limits, use too much fuel. Alternatively, taking longer routes, keeping the engine on when not required, or making too many stops can add to the overall fuel cost. This unchecked hike negatively impacts the profit margins of businesses. To avoid that, businesses can utilize GPS trackers to monitor drivers responsible for high fuel usage. Then, these drivers can be re-trained to make them more efficient. This will cut down costs significantly.

Safety and security
Whether equipment or vehicles, GPS trackers can help protect business assets from theft and other hazards. If businesses install these trackers in their assets, it is possible to monitor their exact location at all times. If there has been theft or any other unfortunate incidents, the GPS trackers can speed up the asset recovery process by providing location data to the relevant authorities. Alternatively, GPS tracking data can help businesses file insurance claims for stolen goods that cannot be recovered. In this way, GPS tracking systems improve the safety and security of assets for businesses.

Better customer satisfaction
GPS trackers can help businesses set delivery timelines and stick to them, improving the accuracy of estimated time of arrival (ETA). This can be highly beneficial for businesses that deliver products to customers. With GPS tracking systems, they can provide customers with correct data about the status of orders and the ETAs. Then, they could also notify the customers if their orders will be delayed. With this information, customers know when to expect their orders and continue to trust the business to provide the correct information. This ultimately improves customer satisfaction.