Online high school – Types, cost, and advantages

Every child is unique and must have access to education. Over the last few years, several distinct categories of schools have evolved to suit their unique needs. One of them is online schooling, where students get the chance to learn from the comfort of their homes. Online schools offer a more flexible schedule so students can learn independently. This article explores the various types of online high schools, associated costs, admission procedures, and their advantages.

Types of online high schools
One of the main benefits of choosing an online high school is that students and their families get to choose the style of education. They can choose between the following types of learning approaches:

  • Supplemental high school: These are one-time courses available on various subjects. Supplemental high school courses aim to offer a chance to achieve extra credits or engage in additional learning.
  • Hybrid high school: This type of course blends in-person and online teaching. It is suitable for students looking for some interaction with their peers and teachers.
  • Fully online high school: These academic programs offer full-time online enrollment and are ideal for students seeking flexible or self-paced learning schedules.

Cost of online high school
The cost of an online school depends mainly on the course and type of school chosen. Here, parents can choose between online or charter online high schools or private high schools.

  • Public or charter online schools have lower tuition fees. The major costs for these schools are textbooks, software and hardware equipment, school supplies, and optional events such as field trips. Each online high school’s out-of-pocket costs are on its website.
  • Private schools tend to function without government aid or funding, which can be expensive. The National Center for Education Statistics reports that the average private online high school tuition costs $13,000, which excludes other overhead costs, such as supplies or hardware. However, at a private school, students are more likely to receive other benefits such as career counseling, individualized education or tutoring, a wider pool of electives, and AP programs for college credits.
  • Parents and guardians must carefully weigh these costs and benefits when choosing an online high school. They must also consider the school’s accreditation, whether it is recognized by a local accreditation board, the state, or another reputable agency.

Admission process of an online high school
The admissions process for an online high school is similar to that of a regular high school. While requirements may vary from school to school, applicants are generally expected to have an eighth-grade education and submit all relevant transcripts and documents on time.

Advantages of an online high school

  • Flexibility: With online high school, students can design their schedules. Although some schools may offer live classes at fixed times, students are offered increased flexibility to complete their work and assignments at their own pace. Due to this, students have more time to take up internship or shadowing opportunities, focus on their athletic pursuits, recover from medical ailments at a comfortable pace, or even take on early college courses to get a headstart on their future.
  • Customized workspace: Since online classes can be attended from anywhere, students no longer need to sit at the wooden or plastic desks and chairs found in most schools. This allows students to create a more comfortable and productive learning environment for enhanced results.
  • Lesser distractions: Online high schools also help minimize the risk of distractions that are prevalent in regular classrooms, such as in-class competitiveness, noise, etc.
  • Social distractions: Social conventions in high schools can be time-consuming and quite distracting. From cliques to squads, a lot is going on at school. Online high schools do away with some of these distractions and keep the focus on what matters: learning.
  • Sensory overload: Online learning offers a great deal of freedom and privacy. Instead of worrying about school hours, restrictions, and permissions, students can take breaks, eat, and walk around on their schedule.
  • Classroom limitations: With online high schools, learning is no longer limited to the school’s boundaries. Students can move around and attend classes based on their comfort. On a nice day, this may mean sitting under the tree in the yard with one’s laptop instead of sitting at the desk for hours.
  • Safer learning environment: Online high schools also tend to be safe for many students. In regular schools, there is a high risk of bullying and peer pressure. With online schooling, however, this risk is mitigated as teachers work on creating an inclusive environment to help students build their self-confidence.